Investigation of some biochemical properties of tea seed oil, protein and saponin

Document Type : Research


1 Faculty member of Post-Harvest Physiology and Technology Department, Tea Research Institute, Lahijan, Iran

2 Faculty member of Genetics and breeding of tea reasearch institute. lahijan.iran

3 Department of Technology and Production Management of Tea Research Institute


The tea plant (Camellia sinensis), in addition to the leaves for the production of beverage types, has large and oily seeds, which would be used in food, pharmaceutical, cosmetic and aquaculture industries. This study was conducted with the aim of important compounds identification of tea seed including oil, protein and saponin. The main material used was tea seeds from a research station in the city of shaft. To determine the percentage of seed oil extraction, Soxhlet apparatus and hexane solvent were used. The extracted oil was at ambient temperature, liquid, clear yellow color, the iodine number, the soap number and oil percent was respectively 80.45 192.32 and 31.56. The biochemical composition of the oil, including the percentage and type of fatty acids, was measured by gas-mass chromatography (GC-MS), which included oleic acid (54.36), linoleic acid (25), palmitic acid (13.87), stearic acid (3.27), Eicoseonic acid (0.83), linolenic acid (0.397), behenic acid (0.091), arachidic acid (0.096) and palmitvaic acid (0.076). After oil extraction, Kjeldahl method was used to determine the percentage of protein and organic solvent extraction method was used to determine the percentage of saponin. Protein and saponin content was measured respectively 16.37 and 9.60. The final results showed that all the compounds in extracted oil from tea seed are in the group of edible fatty acids and are also present in other seed oils, so they can be extracted and apply as a useful edible oil. In addition to producing oil, other beneficial compounds such as saponins and proteins were also extracted and used.
