An overview of the methods of increasing the quantity and maintaining the quality of Pyarom date in the pre-harvest and post-harvest stages

Document Type : review article


Horticulture Crops Research Department, Natural Resources Research and Education Center of Hormozgan, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Bandar Abbas, Iran,Tel: 009809133825216



Pyarom date is one of the most valuable and expensive commercial and exclusive dates in Iran, which its best production center is in the north of Hormozgan province. This date is one of the most important dates in Iran, which has found a special place in the domestic market compared to other date cultivars, and its export is increasing. In order to increase the yield and quality of Pyarom date, it is necessary to observe good horticultural operation in the pre-harvest stage and the proper operation after the harvest for this cultivar. in this variety. In this article, the methods of increasing the quantity and quality of dates in the pre-harvest stage and maintaining the quality after the harvest of Pyarom dates are discussed. These operations in the pre-harvest stage include pollination, thinning and pruning, covering and controlling pests and diseases, and in the post-harvest stage, they include removing infected and diseased fruits and proper packaging. Timely observance of horticultural operations will maintain the quality, reduce pests, diseases and ultimately increase the marketability of this cultivar.
