Effect of Planting Media on Rooting of Five Grapevine Cultivar Cuttings

Document Type : Research


1 Isfahan university of technology

2 isfahan university of technology



In order to compare the effect of four rooting media on rooting and growth characteristics of five grape varieties, a 4x5 factorial greenhouse experiment was conducted in the a completely randomized design with four replications. The first factor included four rooting media: sand, peat moss, cocopeat, and sphagnum moss, and the second factor included five grape varieties: ʻBovanatʼ, ʻKeshmeshi Ghermezʼ, ʻSiyahʼ, ʻRishbabaʼ and ʻSefid Ghazvinʼ. For this purpose, the planting trays were filled with the planting media and then the prepared two-node cuttings were planted in them. After six weeks, the cuttings were removed from the beds and the percentage of rooted cuttings, the number of roots, root length, root diameter, root fresh weight, leaf number and shoot fresh weight were measured. The results of this study showed that the rooting media had no significant effect on the percentage of rooted cuttings, but it did affect the quality of the formed roots and shoot growth. Organic media increased the number of roots, length and diameter of roots, root fresh weight, number of leaves and shoot fresh weight. which is probably due to lower apparent specific gravity, water holding capacity, better aeration and sufficient drainage of organic substrates. Among the varieties, ʻSefid Ghazvinʼ was better than others in almost all the examined characteristics. The interaction effect of substrate and cultivar was significant for some of the traits, which indicates the different response of cultivars in different media.


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