Investigation of Quantitative and Qualitative Fruit Traits of Superior Clones of Rasha Cultivar

Document Type : Research


1 assistant professor/ western azarbayejan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center

2 Zanjan university, Horticultural department



In order to improve commercial grapevines cutivars, we should be looking for ways to obtain more and better quality products per unit area by planting a certain number of plants. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to have healthy, pest and disease-resistant clones with high-quality fruits and high performance, which is possible through colonal selection. In order to investigate the yield and other quantitative and qualitative traits of superior clones of Rasha free from the grapevine virus, this study was carried out in the form of RCBD in Kahriz horticultural research station in 2014. The results showed that there was a significant difference between the clones in terms of yield and several quantitative and qualitative fruit traits. The highest fruit yield per vine (14484 kg), the highest weight of cluster (634 gr) and berry (3.3 gr) was obtained in Sheikh Haidar 7 clone. The phenological stages were different among the investigated clones. The buds of Kanibid 3 clone opened later than other clones in spring. Also, the fruits of Mirabad 8 clone ripened earlier than other clones.
