The potential of water production from fog for supplementary irrigation of hazelnut orchards (Corylus avellana. L) in Eshkevarat of Roudsar city

Document Type : Research


1 Assistant professor, Guilan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center

2 Guilan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center

3 Soil Conservation and Watershed Management Research Institute



The mountainous areas of Eshkevarat, Roudsar city with more than 12,000 hectares of hazelnut orchards, are considered as the hub of hazelnut development in the country. The construction of rain catchment surface systems by hazelnut growers and greenwater management plays an effective role in supplying the water needed by hazelnut orchards in these areas. The presence of "fog" also provides potential for these areas, so that water production from it can complement other methods to compensate for water scarcity. Finding new water sources and solving water shortage with low maintenance costs and without relying on energy consumption is the innovation of this research. In this research, the feasibility of using fog to supply the water needed by hazelnut orchards with the establishment of six vertical systems to collect water from fog has been investigated. The results of this research, by registering 76 foggy events in one year, showed the performance of fog water collection systems to be 6.5 (L m-2 day-1). The average water collected per square meter from the collectors was 492 (L y-1). The highest amount of water collected was in the months of May and August and the lowest was in the months of February and January. the amount of water collected from each one square meter system during the two seasons of spring and summer was 352 liters. This amount of produced water can supply the water needs of hazelnut trees at different ages of one to 15 years with the implementation of 200 m2 of system along with the occurrence of effective rain in first six months of year. Therefore, considering the abundant potential of fog in these areas and the needs of gardeners, water production from fog will be an important step in providing water with suitable quality for supplemental irrigation of hazelnut gardens.
